Dental Implants in Denver

Dental implants are an increasingly popular solution for those looking to restore their smile and improve their oral health. In Denver, there are many options available for those considering this procedure. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are a long-term solution that can provide a natural-looking smile and improve overall oral health.

Denver residents looking for dental implants have a variety of options to choose from. Many dentists in the area offer this procedure, and it is important to find a qualified professional who can provide the best care. Dental implants can be a significant investment, but they offer many benefits, including improved oral health and a more confident smile. Whether you have lost one tooth or several, dental implants may be the right solution for you.

What are Dental Implants?


Dental implants are a type of treatment used to replace missing teeth or provide a permanent solution for tooth restoration. The procedure involves surgically inserting a small titanium post into the jawbone, which acts as a replacement for the root of the missing tooth. The implant is then topped with a dental crown or bridge, which looks and functions like a natural tooth.

Types of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants: endosteal and subperiosteal. Endosteal implants are the most common and involve placing the implant directly into the jawbone. Subperiosteal implants are placed on top of the jawbone but beneath the gum line and are used when there is not enough healthy jawbone to support an endosteal implant.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer several benefits compared to other tooth replacement options. They are a permanent solution and can last a lifetime with proper care. They also look and feel like natural teeth, making them a more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing option. Additionally, dental implants do not require any special maintenance or cleaning beyond regular brushing and flossing.

Overall, dental implants are a safe and effective treatment for tooth replacement and restoration. They offer a long-lasting solution that looks and functions like natural teeth, providing patients with a confident and comfortable smile.

Why Choose Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a popular and effective treatment for missing teeth. They are a permanent solution that offers several advantages over other tooth replacement options such as dentures and bridges. In this section, we will discuss the advantages of dental implants, who is a candidate for dental implants, and the risks and complications associated with the procedure.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an effective and permanent solution for missing teeth. They offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options, including:

  • Improved appearance: Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth, which can improve the appearance of your smile.
  • Improved speech: Missing teeth can affect your speech. Dental implants can improve your ability to speak clearly.
  • Improved comfort: Dental implants are more comfortable than dentures, which can slip and move around in your mouth.
  • Improved function: Dental implants function like natural teeth, allowing you to eat and chew your food with ease.
  • Improved oral health: Dental implants help to prevent bone loss and gum recession, which can occur when teeth are missing.

Who is a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Most people who are missing one or more teeth are candidates for dental implants. However, there are some factors that may affect whether or not you are a good candidate for the procedure. These factors include:

  • Age: Dental implants are not recommended for children or teenagers who are still growing.
  • Bone graft: If you have lost bone in your jaw, you may need a bone graft before you can have dental implants.
  • Infection: If you have an active infection in your mouth, you may need to wait until the infection is treated before you can have dental implants.
  • Periodontal disease: If you have periodontal disease, you may need to have the disease treated before you can have dental implants.

It is important to consult with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to determine if dental implants are right for you. The surgeon will evaluate your oral health and recommend the best course of treatment.

Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks and complications associated with dental implants. These risks include:

  • Infection: There is a risk of infection after the procedure, which can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Pain: You may experience some pain and discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with pain medication.
  • Failure: In rare cases, dental implants can fail, which may require additional treatment.

It is important to discuss the risks and complications with your oral and maxillofacial surgeon before undergoing the procedure. Additionally, a 3-D CT scan may be necessary to evaluate your jawbone and ensure that the implant will be successful. Once the implant is placed, an abutment is attached to the implant, and a restorative dentist will create a crown or bridge to match your natural teeth.

In conclusion, dental implants are an effective and permanent solution for missing teeth. They offer several advantages over other tooth replacement options and are a safe and reliable procedure when performed by an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Finding the Right Dental Implant Provider

When it comes to dental implants in Denver, finding the right provider is crucial to ensure the success of the procedure. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a dental implant provider:

Choosing a Prosthodontist or Oral Surgeon

A prosthodontist is a dental specialist who focuses on the restoration and replacement of teeth. They have received extensive training in implant dentistry and can provide a wide range of implant options. On the other hand, an oral surgeon is a specialist who focuses on the surgical aspect of implant dentistry. They are trained to perform complex surgical procedures, including bone grafting and sinus lifts, which may be necessary for some patients.

Experience and Qualifications

It’s important to choose a dental implant provider who has extensive experience and qualifications in implant dentistry. Look for a provider who has performed a large number of successful implant procedures and has received specialized training in implant dentistry. You can also check their credentials and certifications to ensure they are qualified to perform the procedure.

Financing Options

Dental implants can be expensive, and many insurance plans do not cover the cost of the procedure. Look for a provider who offers financing options to make the procedure more affordable. Some providers may offer in-house financing or work with third-party financing companies to help patients pay for the procedure over time.

One provider in Denver that offers dental implant services is ClearChoice Denver. They have a ClearChoice Center in Denver that specializes in full arch dental implants. They offer a complimentary consultation to help patients understand their options and make an informed decision.

Another provider in Denver is Vladimir R. Jovic, DDS. He is a prosthodontist who specializes in implant dentistry and has over 25 years of experience. He offers a wide range of implant options and financing options to make the procedure more affordable.

When searching for a dental implant provider in Denver, it’s important to do your research and choose a provider who has the experience and qualifications necessary to ensure a successful procedure. Check online reviews on sites like Yelp to see what other patients have to say about their experiences with different providers.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants are a unique and personalized way to restore oral health. They require a skilled dental professional to perform the surgery and provide the necessary aftercare. In Denver, patients can receive dental implant surgery and restoration with personalized care and attention to detail.

The First Step: Consultation

The first step in the dental implant procedure is a consultation with a dental professional. During this consultation, the patient’s oral health will be evaluated, and the treatment plan will be discussed. The dental professional will also answer any questions the patient may have about the surgery and aftercare.

The Treatment Plan

Once the consultation is complete, the dental professional will create a personalized treatment plan for the patient. This plan will include the type of dental implant surgery needed, the expected recovery time, and any necessary bone grafting. The treatment plan will also include information on dental financing if needed.

The Surgery

The dental implant surgery involves placing a titanium post into the jawbone. This post will serve as the foundation for the dental crown or bridge. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia, and patients can typically return home the same day.

Recovery and Aftercare

After the surgery, patients will need to follow a strict aftercare regimen to ensure proper healing. This may include taking antibiotics, eating a soft food diet, and avoiding strenuous activity for a few days. Patients will also need to attend follow-up appointments to monitor the healing process.

In Denver, patients can receive full arch dental implants with complimentary consultation. Dental professionals in Denver are highly trained and hold a dental degree. They will provide patients with personalized care and attention to ensure the best possible outcome.

Overall, the dental implant procedure is a safe and effective way to restore oral health. Patients in Denver can expect to receive high-quality care and a successful outcome. Dental implants offer a long-term solution to missing teeth, and with proper care, they can last a lifetime.

Dental ImplantsYes
Treatment PlanYes
Oral HealthYes
Personalized CareYes
Dental Implant SurgeryYes
Dental FinancingYes
Bone GraftingYes
Dental DegreeYes
Dental CrownYes
Dental BridgeYes
Full Arch Dental ImplantsYes
Complimentary ConsultationYes
HoursNot Relevant

Maintaining Dental Implants

When it comes to maintaining dental implants, proper oral hygiene and regular checkups are crucial in preventing potential complications. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind for maintaining dental implants in Denver.

Oral Hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for keeping dental implants healthy and secure. Patients should brush their teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Flossing is also important to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth and around the implant.

Patients should avoid using abrasive toothpaste, as it can scratch the surface of the implant and create a breeding ground for bacteria. Mouthwash can also help kill bacteria and freshen breath.

Regular Checkups

Regular checkups with oral surgeons in Denver are essential for maintaining dental implants. Patients should visit their dentist every six months for a cleaning and examination. During the appointment, the dentist will check the implant and surrounding gum tissue for any signs of infection or inflammation.

Potential Complications

While dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing teeth, there are some potential complications to be aware of. These include:

  • Infection: If bacteria enter the implant site, it can cause an infection that can lead to implant failure.
  • Implant failure: In rare cases, the implant may not fuse with the bone properly, leading to implant failure.
  • Peri-implantitis: This is a type of gum disease that affects the tissue surrounding the implant. It can cause inflammation and bone loss, leading to implant failure.

Patients should be aware of these potential complications and report any symptoms to their dentist immediately.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA) recommend that patients contact their dental office before their appointment to ask about any additional safety measures that may be in place.

Overall, maintaining dental implants requires a commitment to good oral hygiene and regular checkups with skilled doctors. By following these guidelines, patients can enjoy a healthy, pain-free smile for years to come.